I'm John Hinnen, founder of Sundawg Design. An inspired creative guy since my early twenties, I've come up with a lot of product ideas. From sketchbooks, to modeling, to patented inventions, we've developed a fun portfolio. While currently focused on licensing toy and game concepts, I had several startup adventures early on. Here are a few of the stories.
A Sun Dog is a cool phenomenon which occurs when sunlight reflects off of moisture particles in the sky. As in the photo above, colorful prisms form on either side of the sun. You've surely seen one!
While in design school at the University of Illinois, we had a project to come up with a product linked to the growing field of solar energy. In my early 20's, my "hunger" for success brought about an aha moment... " The world needs a solar hot dog cooker!"
That was it, and I commenced along with an engineering friend to try and come up with a working model of the idea. Marty K, a pal to this day, figured out the parabolic formula to focus sunlight along the length of a skewer in the gizmo we'd thought up.
I worked on the looks and ergonomics and, after a couple of all-nighters... the "Sundawgger" was born. Our test day was sunny. I unveiled the prototype, and it cooked brats and hot dogs in no time. "Market That Sucker!", was my professor's response. Alas, I never did, but Sundawg Design took root soon after and has been my business name ever since.
In 1982, my wife Nancy and I developed a novel educational product. She was finishing up her master's degree, and I had been thinking about a teaching concept since college. We came up with a learning environment for 4-8-year-old children, which Nancy presented as her capstone project. The product was made up of a series of 2-by-3-foot frames, with features like a clock or a puppet stage inside. With frames hinged together, they became a part of a cool learning environment. Her professor loved the idea, and the
"Sundawg Discovery Center" was born!
I applied for a utility patent, and we worked on details and testing for a year. We introduced the Discovery Center at the N.A.E.Y.C. conference in Atlanta in 1983. It was a good launching pad, as we made contacts and got orders for several of the systems. We had successful tests in our local school district as well, and got placement in the national Beckley Cardy Catalog. We were on our way! I made and ordered parts, and assembled the units on my own. After a couple of years it became apparent that the Discovery Center, with 500 working pieces, was too difficult to make and sell for a profit. It had been an exhilarating, exhaustive journey. I was learning all the time, and decided to focus on simpler ideas.
I was also busy at that time developing an original toy . The "Heart-Egg" twisted from a heart to an egg and back. Over and over again. Kids loved the new fangled fidget toy! And I was naively hopeful this little novelty would become the next Pet Rock. We tested the product with local retailers, and the Heart-Eggs sold well. I applied for and was granted a Design Patent, made about 3,000 units, and expanded my sales efforts. This was way before online shopping and all the marketplaces of today. Nevertheless, I got the product into several area retailers, and even as far as Marshall Field's in downtown Chicago. I added colors and themes... the Sweet Heart-Egg, Purple Heart-Egg... awarded for bravery, and Bear Heart-Egg, seen here, were fan favorites.
As with any entrepreneurial journey, there were challenges on the business end. I was 26, with sketchbooks full of ideas, but mostly working on my own. My funds fizzled out, and I pivoted again. Lesson learned. Always seek help, as there are people out there who are more talented than we can imagine.
No Moose Were Destroyed to Make this Moose! I played on a softball team, the "Mooseheads," with a number of buddies for years. For a friend's birthday, I made a ramshackle moose head trophy out of various pieces of pine. It was a hit, and "MooseHead McGee" got his start. I was granted a design patent on this creation as well. I sold a few around our hometown of Peoria and approached a well known catalog company out east. They showed an interest, and said they might consider the product for future catalogs.
Imagine my surprise the next year as I opened an issue, and saw their "Moose Head Coat Hanger" featured. They had simply put a peg in each antler to change up the product, and get around my patent. That was a tough lesson, but MooseHead McGee had delighted friends and family, so all was not lost. These days, there are many variations of this fun idea. I dare say mine was the first.
I was playing poker with some friends one October long ago when the aha moment hit me. Halloween was fast approaching, and I kept seeing jack-o-lanterns on the cards. I went home late that night and sketched out a deck with suits for Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then almost 30 years passed, with regrets each fall of not having done more to introduce this fun deck to the public. We got back at it several years ago, coming up with original illustrations, and creating two totally new card games. Holiday Circle was launched in 2020, and gained popularity as the product is just simply fun! The target audience is kids, and this fits our mission well of creating joy through play!
We launched a startup, The Bandit Ball Project, in 2017 to market our unique 3-in-1 toy ball. What followed was much enthusiasm and support from friends and acquaintances, and also a fair bit of help from local mentors and businesses. The game of catch has always fascinated me. It's physical connection between people. There's nothing like it, and it's been with us through all of time!
We were able to sell a good amount of Bandit Balls nationally, and also to donate i n 2020 to Operation Christmas Child of Samaritan's Purse.
Our bootstrapped, entrepreneurial journey came to a pivot point in 2022 when we'd sold almost all of our inventory. What to do next ? We had a great product, a patent, and a trademark, and quite a few fans.
I'd explored the licensing world for toys and games ever since the 1980's, and this endeavor, to find a company which could do so much better than we, seemed well worth the effort.
Great things happen when we band together!
In 2023, we were blessed to find a company called TinkerTini. They're an inventor representation company, now known as Bright Door Ideas. They believed in the product, and made the connection with Tomy International. Tomy launched their Band-It Ball in Europe earlier this year, and the toy is now available in the USA at Tomy.com.
Tomy's mission is to "Make the World Smile." We are thrilled that the Band-It Ball is now a part of their fantastic line of toys and games!
TOMY has had a long partnership with John Deere, selling many themed kids products aroud the world. We're excited to sya that the John Deere Band-it Ball is now on the market across Europe and Australia!
One place you can find these in 2024 is Tinneys Toys. They're a John Deere Kids dealer in Australia and their website is
Making Models in My Shop ... 2018
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